Monday, August 3, 2009

The Death of Deliciousness: Day 21!!!

Sorry, for the long break between posts.

I spent the long weekend at my uncle's cottage away from the interwebs.

Wow! Day 21. Only 10 more days to go. I strayed from the plan a bit this weekend, but there was so much food there I didn't really have a choice in the matter. So I plan on really focusing on doing everything right for the next 10 days.

My dad and I decided to bring the ATV up to the cottage for a little fun and I think I made the most use out of it. I was driving around the roads near the cottage just exploring when my Aunt suggested I try out a snowmobile trail.

Upon first entering the trial it looked very promising, it was 2 or 3 times as wide as the ATV so there was plenty of room for myself. It was hard packed with few rocks or branches in the way. UNTIL...

Ok, so that's a little exaggerated. The mud hole I attempted to cross was a much darker, thicker mud and I was on a larger ATV:

Something more like that. I do not have an actual picture of our ATV but that is pretty much the same thing only with camouflage.

So where was I? Oh right. Stuck. Hella stuck. And not the sexy kind of stuck.

The sexy kind of stuck.

So there I was, in a foot of the darkest thickest mud I have ever been stuck in on ANY ATV(note: this is my first time being stuck, coincidence? I think not.)

I try to go forward, the mud sprays out behind me, I try going backwards, the mud shoots 10 feet into the air in front of me. I am close enough to some hard land to jump off, I take off my helmet and survey the damage..."Shit..." Without phone, and too far away to walk back for help I must use my own knowledge and ingenuity to escape this dastardly mud trap!

I grab a thick stick, my plan: to give myself some traction by having not mud under the tires. Status: Utter failure.

So obviously the next best thing to do is to get back onto the ATV like so:

Only imagine the whole thing stuck in a foot of mud. Then: JUMP while flooring it! Oh hey, it was in forward not reverse...

So now I have gotten myself a little deeper into the mud, and after attempting reverse in the same position I feel like the front end of the ATV should have more weight on it. So naturally one would stand like so:

Amazing, artist's depiction

Annnndddddd then jump up and down whilst flooring it. This time I was in reverse. After a few moments of jumping I was able to free myself from the mud hole of dooom.

All in was AWESOME! I just wish I had someone there to laugh with me. Not at me like the girls who were jogging while I was returning to the cottage...

All in all it was a good weekend, and back to hardcore Isagrossix (compliments of my brother in law) tomorrow!
