Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 16 Isagenix Adventure

It's about that time again. Time to write another blog post.

Huh what? Shake day? That's cool I guess...Now that the boring stuff is out of the way.

Wow! Day 16. Over the hill! Half way to victory! No longer heading into the forest! I am on my way out!

I don't know what you guys think but this is starting to feel like a real accomplishment. (The diet not the blog, the blog is starting to feel like a place where I can put my thoughts and other stuff I think I want to write about. Huh...I guess the blog is starting to feel like a diary.) I may try to get reader participation up. Feel free to write in the comment section. It was kinda made for that exact reason.

So tomorrow is going to be another cleanse day. (Already...ah man...) Wish me luck.

My picks:

This looks funny.

This is funny:

Short post today.

See you all later.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hey where have you been! Day 13?

First things first, I want to explain to you why I made this blog.

I wanted to use this to describe my experience while on Isagenix but I also want this to be entertaining to read. This isn't a diary this is a place for me to write whatever I feel like down. And what I feel like writing are interesting things. Writing (nearly) everyday like I was I started having troubles thinking about what to write. Sometimes spending an hour or more on a single post.

So ultimately I want to keep people reading this blog, and I didn't think that would happen if I was writing boring posts.

Ok that's all just bull honkey I was lazing and playing video games instead. But I do want this to be entertaining/funny.

The weekend as seen by me: I did some things this weekend.

Friday/Saturday/Sunday and Today were all shake days and as exciting as those are they don't give a lot of sustenance to a post. And otherwise I had a very boring weekend with not much to write about.

I went to my Aunt and Uncles 25th wedding aniversary. There I invented a new game.

Picture Air Hockey...2 players...2 paddles each...3 pucks! Yeah, it was sweet.

The weather has been shitay again and not giving me much insentive to go out there in the rain and bike so I haven't been doing much of that. I played some soccer on the weekend with cousins. It was fun I guess.

Really not much going on for me at this time. If something interesting comes up that I think I can make a post about I will do that for you guys. (Don't say I never do anything for you!)

17 days left until my girlfriend comes home! I am excited for that. Also this weekend I will be going up to my uncles cottage so maybe I can bring back some interesting stories.

Finally to all the people bugging me to make some posts...Shut up, you go make a funny blog then :D


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 10. 1/3rd finito

And so comes a close to Day 10. I have now reached the 2/6th point of my diet.

As anyone who has read yesterdays post should know: Today was a cleanse day, as well as a measurement day.

Cleanse drinks have not gotten better since last week, I was hoping it would get better with age like cheese, or the Symphony.

As for the measurement! Since I have started the diet 10 days ago I have now lost a total of 10 pounds and ~15 inches. Yay me!

If the weather were to get better I would be able to get more biking in but it has been pretty crappy out the last few days. Hopefully it gets better or I will just have to suck it up and bike anyways.

I am thinking I am also going to start doing more exercises like some weights, sit ups, etc. Not that you internet people care about this stuff right? You just want to hear about humorous anecdotes or how I get hurt.

Fine be that way.

So at work this morning I was unloading a tractor trailer with my boss and as I was setting a bundle of 4' x 8' product off my head it twanged. My neck, not the product. The product was fine. But now I have issues bending my neck to the left more than ~40 degrees.

In an attempt to relieve my pain my Dad/Boss said that you must apply pressure to the spot that hurts. So he proceeds to in what can only be described as shoving his thumb into the side of my neck until I fall to my knees in pain. It hurt, ALOT. And my neck still hurts afterwards...atleast he tried right? It's the thought that counts...maybe next time I will try a professional. He is more of a hobbyist.

With the end of Day 10 and 1/3rd of the way done the diet it is back to another 6 days of "Shakes & Sensible Meals!"

Did I tell you guys how much I like chewing real food?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Captains Log: Stardate -313444

That is actually the real Stardate for today apparently. I am not a Star Trek fan but I found a Stardate Calculator on the internet just for you guys. So appreciate the effort!

Shake Day! Shake Day on Day #9! Day #9 the Day before Day #10 (a measurement Day) a day before a Cleanse day!

But...I like to chew food! Alas, it cannot be so!

Today was a pretty normal Shake day. Shake - Meal - Shake.

I got home from work around 6 and after a shower I went for a bike ride! Woohoo! I really do like my new bike. (Aside: I will probably refer to it as my new bike for like a month, so bear with me.) I had plans to meet up with a bunch of friends at a driving range and since it is only ~10 km away from my house I decided I would bike it!

I am not very good at golfing. I also had no intention of actually practising on getting a better swing or how to correct my slices/hooks. So I did what most Kids/Teenagers/Jerks do when they go out to the driving range. I tried to hit the guy that collects the balls.

Unfortunately for someone with as bad aim as myself I did not succeed in hitting the ball collector. Shucks! On the bright side though I did win the Longest Drive competition between 2 friends and I! It wasn't hard to beat their pitiful ~20 feet hits! MUAHAHAHA

Yeah, they really wasted their last ball. Both of them barely knocked it off the roof (we were on the upper floor of a driving range) and had it fall a few feet away. Even with one of my friends attempting to distract me by yelling obscenities towards me (Don't worry there were no other people nearby to be offended...potentially because they left early do to being offended.) I was able to drive the ball ATLEAST 50 feet. Yeah I fanned on my shot too...but not as much as they did!

I was able to convince my biker friend to come out as well, however he didn't want to leave his bike unattended ($1k+ bike so I can't blame him, I hid mine on the property as well). Now I don't want to make him feel good or anything but he would probably kick my ass in a race at this time! But not for long! That's right! In 1 years time I will challenge you for Bike riding supremecy! For pinks baby!

I am looking forward to seeing how the diet has been going so far. As I have mentioned before Tomorrow will be day 10 of the diet and also a measurement day. The next measurement day is not til the 30th day but maybe I will do my own on the 20th day or something, just to make sure I am on track still.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 8

I'm a cold. And sniffles.

No big update today.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The D of D: Day 7!!!!!

Wow! 7 days done now. Only 23 more to go!

At the official end of week 1: I feel super, BECAUSE that means there are only a few more weeks to go!

Har har, aren't I funny.

Food schedule: Shake in the morning, shake in the evening, sensible lunch!

I had an interesting conversation with my Mom as we were going to lunch. Chewing rocks!

No, no not chewing stones. I mean that actually "eating" food is much better than drinking food. We were talking about when we would be done this diet, when she said "I miss chewing".

And, I completely agree with her! So my mom and I are talking about the merits and joy of actually eating food (with my sister in the backseat laughing at us). But she really doesn't understand. In the last 7 days, we have only had 6 "meals", and that means we have had 12 shakes.

I kind of feel like giving a pro and con list for these shakes though. After flipping my magic coin *flip* I will start with the cons of the shakes.

  • Very little variety: Meaning, there (at this time) are only a maximum of 3 flavours one can choose from in the shake. Vanilla, Chocolate, and Mixed. Since Day 2 I have been taking the Mixed approach to the shakes. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to try more flavours. (My sister who is also doing the Isagenix has put fruit in hers, but my Mom says we are actually not allowed to, I will research this because Sis says Banana makes it nummy.) So if there were more variety to the shakes it would make for a more enjoyable diet.

  • Taste: Meaning, it just doesn't taste all that great. Compared to a nice bowl of cereal, or eggs, or toast in the morning. The shakes really can't compare at this point. Now, (from above) if one can actually add fruit to the mix it may improve the taste but can it really make it taste better than say: Waffles? Bacon? Eggs Benedict...mmmmmmmmm...*FOCUS* Sorry about that, I will be right back, I have to get a napkip to clean up this drool.
  • Fast: This is a VERY quick "meal" to prepare. There is no heating of a pan, no waiting for toast to pop from the toaster. It's just three easy steps. 1. Get 8 ounces of water into a cup. 2. Add 2 scoops of mix. 3. Blend. That is it, then you have your shake prepared. The whole process takes like a minute. (Note: Cereal is probably faster but these shakes are very fast. Note 2: This is just comparing it as a breakfast substitute, imagine the time you save by having it for dinner as well. Note 3: I use the Magic Bullet blender so my cup acts as the blending cup)

  • Fast #2: Not only is it a fast meal to prepare. It is also a fast meal to "eat". It really is just a meal in a cup. How fast can you drink a glass of water? Boom, in that time you can be done your breakfast, or dinner and be ready to go to work/school/whatever.

  • Cleaning: Dishes? You wish! I use only a cup and a measuring glass. (Which could be negated if I just put a mark onto my cup.) After I finish the shake? Give it a rinse and a wipe and you are ready to reuse the glass later.
Another note about the shake.
"each shake contains 350-400 Calories(depending on your body’s absorption)"

As a meal replacement, the shake is more pro than con I think. If it is supplying me with the right nutrients and stuff that I need, I actually prefer to eat it really quick, maybe just for breakfast though. Eating a real dinner is just super.

Bike Tale: Rain + Late = no biking today. So I went for a Jog/walk/run around the old hometown instead.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Isagenix Day Numero Six

Very uneventful day today. Same routine as the other shake days.

Went to Toronto with my brother to pick up his new bike (mine is totally better). Had a Salad on the way back.

Then went to see the new Harry Potter movie. I enjoyed it, it had its humerous moments both in the movie and in the audience. My brother and I were up to our usual movie going comments to eachother.

We were a little late going to the theatre so we were stuck with the first row of seats. There was a young girl in our row (Around 5 I think). Who after stealing my brother's girlfriends seat, and attempting to steal her pop, really didn't want to stay in the seat her mom told her to. She was moving around throughout the whole movie.

At one point (in a very suspenseful and close to a spot where I knew something would pop out of the dark with a loud noise) she was walking around the floor like normal, and as you can guess she was more than a little frightened. It was quite humerous.

I didn't end up going for a ride today and will probably get to sleep early today.

As I enter week 2 of the Isagenix 30 day system I just want to go over my thoughts so far.

  • I am feeling very well so far.
  • I feel like I have more energy, and more drive to actually do some exercise
  • I have lost weight and inches. By day 10, I am confident I will have lost over 10 pounds.
  • I have gotten used to most of the tastes of the things I have to eat with Isagenix. The shakes are a non issue to drink and even the "puke" juice is not hard to take.
I have been told to switch up the way I am taking the pills, so I will start implementing that tomorrow. I have also learned I have been taking less snacks than allowed. Yay! So I think I will utilize the snack options I received from my Diet Guide.

All in all, it has been a good (almost) first week, and I am looking forward to seeing how much I lost come day 10!

Days of our Diets: Day 5

I meant to get this posted a few hours earlier but I got distracted browsing the interwebs.

Well I got up late...and missed a shake! OH NO! Still not sure if this is too bad a thing, but what is done is done.

My sister is dog sitting for the weekend and I decided to go with her to check the dogs since we were going to go to lunch then afterwards.

Great Danes are big. She will be taking care of a Great Dane and 2 daschund for the weekend. It is such a crazy difference in dog types it is quite funny. We let the dogs into the backyard to, do what dogs do, and I decided to kick around the soccerball for the Great Dane (from this point: Dante) Well after about 10 minutes of being outside and I got the ball again. I went to dribble the ball and basically play keep away with Dante. Well, it turns out that Dante plays the man instead of the ball. I thought it was going to eat me.

P.S. The dog was walking around with a bone the size of my femur.

After escaping from the house of hounds. We went to Boston Pizza for lunch, a sensible grilled chicken caesar salad later and I was full. Yay! Yummy food!

I picked up the adaptor required for my air pump so I could refuel my tire on my new bike (see day 4). And got to go for a ride on it finally! It is much, much, much better than riding the mountain bike I was. I am happy with my purchase as of now!

I was then able to converse with a biking friend of mine of the pain that is a: Headwind!(WIND BLOWING AT YOUR FACE! IT SLOWS ME DOWN ALOT!) There was a strong headwind on the final leg of my bike ride.

I felt a little ridiculous trying so hard to pedal into the wind when on the other side of the road a couple of Menonite boys seemed to be having such a nice bike ride going the opposite way.

I also got to hear from my girlfriend, which I have yet to mention on my blog. She is currently on a 5 week trip to Iran to visit her family over there. She is safe and is having a good time!

I wish she would come back now though, since there are a few movies I would like to see in the theatres right now and no one seems to be able to join me! Public Enemies, and Bruno are high on that list. If you have seen either and feel like posting a comment telling me if it was good or not feel free. I think I may try getting some reader's comments more...if just to know there are some people reading my rants.

It's tough to think of stuff to write for Shake Days, since how many times can I really repeat something like "I had a Shake today, it is still not delicious." (For those of you counting at home this is 4 times!)

That's all for now.

Tomorrow: Biking, and a new kind of post.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Death of Deliciousness: Day 3 + 4

Firstly, for anyone that is actually following along I would like to apologize for missing my blog posting yesterday. Therefore I will write the posts for day 3 and 4 in this one post.

Day 3: Cleanse Day #1.

Cleanse day consists of:

  • Water
  • Isagenix Cleanse for Life drink
  • Isagenix Snacks!
I am pretty sure I won't have to describe water for you but I will give a quick run down anyway.

"Water is a ubiquitous chemical substance, composed of hydrogen and oxygen, that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life." It should also be noted: It does not have a taste or satisfy one's hunger.

The next major component of Cleanse day isthe Isagenix Cleanse for Life Drink. Now with "Great New Taste!"...Bull...shit. This stuff does not taste "Great", hell it would be a stretch to say it tastes "just ok". But I guess that wouldn't make a good slogan for the product.

Honesty is the best policy after all, so maybe it would work...Now this "Cleanse for Life" drink is to be taken 4 times a day in 4 ounce amounts. Add 4 ounces of "Just ok" juice to 8 ounces of water and you have a delicious new...wait, is this supposed to be a meal replacement? No? Oh that's right Cleanse days = no fud. Instead you get the "Isagenix Snacks!".

Ok, to be completely honest...I like these things. They are the best Isagenix thing that I have tasted to date. (Readers Note: The only Isagenix thing I have not tried now is the Energy Crystal stuff you put into water which is supposed to act like Gatorade to return electrolytes to the body.)

The Snacks! remeind me of hot chocolate powder. Hot Chocolate powder that has been pressed into a large advil like shape. You are allowed to have 6 Snacks! a day. Not a problem at all...only issue is having ONLY 6, when in the late afternoon my stomach is a growlin'!

Other activities? I visited Ziggy's Cycle in Kitchener to look at the bike I was planning to purchase (more info on day 4). I also decided to hang out with some friends for the first time since I got on Isagenix. Played some cards, invented some new games involving poker chips and flinging them at people and then due to myself being the only non inebriated person I agreed to drive them into Waterloo to get a bite to eat.

Watching 4 people munch away on Subway at 11 o'clock when all I have had to eat was...practically nothing is a very trying experience. But, luckily for me my friends are very supportive and wouldn't let me have any. Ada be friends o' mine!

By the time I returned home it was around midnight and I couldn't help but fall asleep right away. And that is why was no blog post yesterday. Yeah that's right I got lazy, but I am allowed to do that cause this is my blog. (Note: I do not intend to use this right often, I will continue to try to provide daily updates.)

One more thing: Day 3 is the second measurement day. After 3 days on the system I have lost 5 pounds and 11 inches over my whole body. I may decide to make a chart of the tracking chart that was provided for me here but I haven't decided yet.


Day 4. Shake Day #1

Shake days...I have already explained my love (read: indifference) to the shakes. This day is very similar to the Precleanse days, so similar infact that they are the exact same, only with a different name for some reason...

Morning: Shake. + "puke" juice
Lunch: Sensible Meal, (Chalet Swiss again today, Got a garden salad (with entirely too many celery, red cabbage, and carrots) soup, and sandwich.

The interesting part of todays post is: My new bike!

I decided to pick up the Trek 7.3FX Isn't it purdy. With my new bike I will travel all across Southern Ontario and get fit and be happy!

"Hmm, maybe I should make sure the tire pressure is good, hey that is a weird pump connector I have not encountered this before *fiddle* PSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...and now my front tire is flat and I do not have the right pump to fill it up...D'oh!

So my first real ride will have to wait til tomorrow when I can find a proper pump connector, or figure out how this one works.

That is all there is for today, I will be over here waiting for tomorrow's "sensible" meal...Subway? Must be sensible if it worked for Jared!

ADDENDUM: After some googling research I have determined that the tire valve on the new bike is a "Presta Valve" so I will go tomorrow to look for an adaptor to the pump we have.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Death of Deliciousness: Day Deux

Alright that is enough D's for now.

Day 2. After yesterdays debacle (I SAID NO MORE D'S! DANGIT! D'oh! Darn!) *note: There are entirely too many words to describe one's frustration that begin with the letter D.* Anyways, after yesterdays debacle with breakfast, I decided to take a more direct approach to my morning drinks.

IN SHOT FORM! I put the puke juice (see previous post for details) in a small glass and drank it in one go and proceeded to down a large glass of water as a chaser. Hey! I didn't puke! Off to a good start. The shake is really not a big deal anymore and I finished that then after, as well as the two capsules.

For lunch, a "sensible meal" from Swiss Chalet, a much more enjoyable meal than a shake.

Which got me wondering what exactly a "sensible meal" is. After a quick google search one of the results is: "sensible: significant in quantity, magnitude, etc.; considerable; appreciable: a sensible reduction in price." Now can someone please explain to me how 400-600 calories is "significant in quantity", Significant in quantity to a 12 year old maybe.

Ok, maybe I am exaggerating again. Potentially brought on by the fact that today my sister ordered a Chalet soup and a Quarter chicken meal with fries AND gravy for lunch; she is really starting to earn her spot on my Personal Support Team... (For the record I would have been allowed to eat the Quarter chicken white without fries, or sauce...or skin)

After a long(ish) day of work I returned home to feast upon the succulent and fulfilling...IsaLean Shake...Like I said earlier the shake is not a big deal to drink anymore, It is still not delicious but it is not vomit inducing like the puke juice.

After the delicious aforementioned dinner I decided I would go for another bike ride to end off the day.

It is at this time that I came to a few conclusions:
If a person has not actively ridden a bike or done alot of physical activity for several years (in my case this physical activity took the form of a ~10km bike ride with hills, on roads on a mountain bike), that person may discover that upon returning to the seat of their bike that their behinds will not take kindly to this, and will proceed to express their dislike in the form of pain.

Yes, you read that right. I had to lessen my bike ride because my butt hurt. So, in preparation to nulify future painful experiences, I have decided to get a new bicycle! With the help of my brother (who may yet earn a position on my Personal Support Team, if his helpfulness continues.) I have decided to go with a Trek bicycle. I would like to take a trip to the local bike shop in the next week to see what they have in the form of a multispeed, road bike.

Also, to encourage my continued success with staying on the diet. A container of ice cream was recently purchased for the household.

This concludes Day 2 of the Death of Deliciousness, and the end of my PreCleanse days. Tomorrow will be the first (of atleast 4) Cleanse days in the remainder of my 30 day System.

Highlights of Cleanse Days will include: No food! Lot's of Water! And of course: The Isagenix: Cleanse for Life drink!

From the site: "Delicious Tropical Berry! It’s a tasty way to a healthier body." We will see about that!

Also tomorrow will be the Second measurement day. The first having been on Day 1. So I will get a chance to see if this is having an effective through weight and inch loss over the whole body.

Thoughts so far: It's not yummy but I have started to feel a change already.

Stay tuned for scenes from the next post!

"Tomorrow on Days of our Diets..."

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hey, a Blog!

So I have decided to start up a blog. Big whoop want to fight about it?!

I will use this to record random thoughts, stories, and as a Diary of my Isagenix 30 Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System Adventure.

Facts: I am 19, Male, and from Ontario Canada. I like video games, MMA, hockey, and other things. I am currently studying at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo. But, enough about me, let's talk about you for a while.

What? Nothing to say? What do you mean this is my Blog? I have to talk the whole time?

That's a jip.

I plan on writing a post at least once a day, sometimes more if it tickles my fancy or if I think about something neat to write about.

For now, I have already written my first Diary entry of The Death of Deliciousness (aka: Diary of Isagenix) so I don't feel like writing much more of an introduction post.

With that being said,

Welcome to Random Blog Title Here, and I am your Host. Enjoy your stay and please don't finger the drapes. I just cleaned them.

The Death of Deliciousness: Day 1.

Exaggeration? Maybe. But nevertheless this stuff tastes gross.

What am I talking about you may ask? Or not ask, but it doesn't matter cause this is my blog. So I will answer it anyway.

Today I started my Isagenix 30 day Cleansing and Fat Burning System, and I must say it started off shakily when I expelled my "Ionix Supreme" forcefully from my body, as well as some of my Shake, Natural Accelerator Capsule, and IsaFlush...D'oh!

Shown above: A disgusting Beverage.

Well, that could have gone better I thought to myself as I went to work in the morning. But with perseverance I carry on. (And attempt to get the taste of the puke juice I had earlier in the morning.) I am still not entirely convinced that making me puke is not their prime objective.

Lunch, thankfully, is a real meal. YAY! Mahi Mahi with Mango. Fish is good, rice is good, veggies are alright too. No big deal there.

Dinner: Another shake. There are two flavours of shakes with the Isagenix System, Vanilla and Chocolate. I had taken Vanilla in the morning and for the evening I mixed them both. The shake is not delicious, but I can manage.

To finish off the day I went for a nice *read: painful* ~20 minute bike ride. I am pretty sure I shouted "I want to &$@#ing die!" at one point near the end. I feel sorry for the children present, but what are the nuns doing walking them that late anyway.

And so ends Day 1 of my Isagenix adventure. Could have been worse I guess...Oh and also, for lunch my brother had a large deep fried Appetizer and a Steak Sandwich with fries... That's why he is not on My personal Support Team.

1 Down, 29 to GO!