Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 10. 1/3rd finito

And so comes a close to Day 10. I have now reached the 2/6th point of my diet.

As anyone who has read yesterdays post should know: Today was a cleanse day, as well as a measurement day.

Cleanse drinks have not gotten better since last week, I was hoping it would get better with age like cheese, or the Symphony.

As for the measurement! Since I have started the diet 10 days ago I have now lost a total of 10 pounds and ~15 inches. Yay me!

If the weather were to get better I would be able to get more biking in but it has been pretty crappy out the last few days. Hopefully it gets better or I will just have to suck it up and bike anyways.

I am thinking I am also going to start doing more exercises like some weights, sit ups, etc. Not that you internet people care about this stuff right? You just want to hear about humorous anecdotes or how I get hurt.

Fine be that way.

So at work this morning I was unloading a tractor trailer with my boss and as I was setting a bundle of 4' x 8' product off my head it twanged. My neck, not the product. The product was fine. But now I have issues bending my neck to the left more than ~40 degrees.

In an attempt to relieve my pain my Dad/Boss said that you must apply pressure to the spot that hurts. So he proceeds to in what can only be described as shoving his thumb into the side of my neck until I fall to my knees in pain. It hurt, ALOT. And my neck still hurts afterwards...atleast he tried right? It's the thought that counts...maybe next time I will try a professional. He is more of a hobbyist.

With the end of Day 10 and 1/3rd of the way done the diet it is back to another 6 days of "Shakes & Sensible Meals!"

Did I tell you guys how much I like chewing real food?


  1. Sounds like it's going really well!!
    Question: Are you allowed to chew gum? Cause that might solve the chewing desire.

    Btw. I'm really interested in trying this :P
    Where abouts do you go about getting the stuff? A health food store?

  2. Are you still in Yellowknife? Once you come back to KW you will be able to buy it from Danielle Straus, RMT.

    I can give you her number if you want to get a hold of her. Coming back soon?

  3. Yes still in Yellowknife.
    I get back on Aug 26th :D

    But I will definately look into this.
    How expensive is it?
    I've gotta see how much I've got left after buying my new laptop LOL
    I can get contact info when I'm back home :)

    I hope your summer is going well.
    You seem to be getting more cheery in these later posts than the first ones lol
