Friday, July 17, 2009

The Death of Deliciousness: Day 3 + 4

Firstly, for anyone that is actually following along I would like to apologize for missing my blog posting yesterday. Therefore I will write the posts for day 3 and 4 in this one post.

Day 3: Cleanse Day #1.

Cleanse day consists of:

  • Water
  • Isagenix Cleanse for Life drink
  • Isagenix Snacks!
I am pretty sure I won't have to describe water for you but I will give a quick run down anyway.

"Water is a ubiquitous chemical substance, composed of hydrogen and oxygen, that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life." It should also be noted: It does not have a taste or satisfy one's hunger.

The next major component of Cleanse day isthe Isagenix Cleanse for Life Drink. Now with "Great New Taste!"...Bull...shit. This stuff does not taste "Great", hell it would be a stretch to say it tastes "just ok". But I guess that wouldn't make a good slogan for the product.

Honesty is the best policy after all, so maybe it would work...Now this "Cleanse for Life" drink is to be taken 4 times a day in 4 ounce amounts. Add 4 ounces of "Just ok" juice to 8 ounces of water and you have a delicious new...wait, is this supposed to be a meal replacement? No? Oh that's right Cleanse days = no fud. Instead you get the "Isagenix Snacks!".

Ok, to be completely honest...I like these things. They are the best Isagenix thing that I have tasted to date. (Readers Note: The only Isagenix thing I have not tried now is the Energy Crystal stuff you put into water which is supposed to act like Gatorade to return electrolytes to the body.)

The Snacks! remeind me of hot chocolate powder. Hot Chocolate powder that has been pressed into a large advil like shape. You are allowed to have 6 Snacks! a day. Not a problem at all...only issue is having ONLY 6, when in the late afternoon my stomach is a growlin'!

Other activities? I visited Ziggy's Cycle in Kitchener to look at the bike I was planning to purchase (more info on day 4). I also decided to hang out with some friends for the first time since I got on Isagenix. Played some cards, invented some new games involving poker chips and flinging them at people and then due to myself being the only non inebriated person I agreed to drive them into Waterloo to get a bite to eat.

Watching 4 people munch away on Subway at 11 o'clock when all I have had to eat was...practically nothing is a very trying experience. But, luckily for me my friends are very supportive and wouldn't let me have any. Ada be friends o' mine!

By the time I returned home it was around midnight and I couldn't help but fall asleep right away. And that is why was no blog post yesterday. Yeah that's right I got lazy, but I am allowed to do that cause this is my blog. (Note: I do not intend to use this right often, I will continue to try to provide daily updates.)

One more thing: Day 3 is the second measurement day. After 3 days on the system I have lost 5 pounds and 11 inches over my whole body. I may decide to make a chart of the tracking chart that was provided for me here but I haven't decided yet.


Day 4. Shake Day #1

Shake days...I have already explained my love (read: indifference) to the shakes. This day is very similar to the Precleanse days, so similar infact that they are the exact same, only with a different name for some reason...

Morning: Shake. + "puke" juice
Lunch: Sensible Meal, (Chalet Swiss again today, Got a garden salad (with entirely too many celery, red cabbage, and carrots) soup, and sandwich.

The interesting part of todays post is: My new bike!

I decided to pick up the Trek 7.3FX Isn't it purdy. With my new bike I will travel all across Southern Ontario and get fit and be happy!

"Hmm, maybe I should make sure the tire pressure is good, hey that is a weird pump connector I have not encountered this before *fiddle* PSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...and now my front tire is flat and I do not have the right pump to fill it up...D'oh!

So my first real ride will have to wait til tomorrow when I can find a proper pump connector, or figure out how this one works.

That is all there is for today, I will be over here waiting for tomorrow's "sensible" meal...Subway? Must be sensible if it worked for Jared!

ADDENDUM: After some googling research I have determined that the tire valve on the new bike is a "Presta Valve" so I will go tomorrow to look for an adaptor to the pump we have.


  1. So.. you do realize it said great new taste. we think you probably should have tried the old one before saying it is still just ok.

  2. I don't recall saying it "still tastes just ok", I said that now I would say it tastes Just OK and not great.
