Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Death of Deliciousness: Day Deux

Alright that is enough D's for now.

Day 2. After yesterdays debacle (I SAID NO MORE D'S! DANGIT! D'oh! Darn!) *note: There are entirely too many words to describe one's frustration that begin with the letter D.* Anyways, after yesterdays debacle with breakfast, I decided to take a more direct approach to my morning drinks.

IN SHOT FORM! I put the puke juice (see previous post for details) in a small glass and drank it in one go and proceeded to down a large glass of water as a chaser. Hey! I didn't puke! Off to a good start. The shake is really not a big deal anymore and I finished that then after, as well as the two capsules.

For lunch, a "sensible meal" from Swiss Chalet, a much more enjoyable meal than a shake.

Which got me wondering what exactly a "sensible meal" is. After a quick google search one of the results is: "sensible: significant in quantity, magnitude, etc.; considerable; appreciable: a sensible reduction in price." Now can someone please explain to me how 400-600 calories is "significant in quantity", Significant in quantity to a 12 year old maybe.

Ok, maybe I am exaggerating again. Potentially brought on by the fact that today my sister ordered a Chalet soup and a Quarter chicken meal with fries AND gravy for lunch; she is really starting to earn her spot on my Personal Support Team... (For the record I would have been allowed to eat the Quarter chicken white without fries, or sauce...or skin)

After a long(ish) day of work I returned home to feast upon the succulent and fulfilling...IsaLean Shake...Like I said earlier the shake is not a big deal to drink anymore, It is still not delicious but it is not vomit inducing like the puke juice.

After the delicious aforementioned dinner I decided I would go for another bike ride to end off the day.

It is at this time that I came to a few conclusions:
If a person has not actively ridden a bike or done alot of physical activity for several years (in my case this physical activity took the form of a ~10km bike ride with hills, on roads on a mountain bike), that person may discover that upon returning to the seat of their bike that their behinds will not take kindly to this, and will proceed to express their dislike in the form of pain.

Yes, you read that right. I had to lessen my bike ride because my butt hurt. So, in preparation to nulify future painful experiences, I have decided to get a new bicycle! With the help of my brother (who may yet earn a position on my Personal Support Team, if his helpfulness continues.) I have decided to go with a Trek bicycle. I would like to take a trip to the local bike shop in the next week to see what they have in the form of a multispeed, road bike.

Also, to encourage my continued success with staying on the diet. A container of ice cream was recently purchased for the household.

This concludes Day 2 of the Death of Deliciousness, and the end of my PreCleanse days. Tomorrow will be the first (of atleast 4) Cleanse days in the remainder of my 30 day System.

Highlights of Cleanse Days will include: No food! Lot's of Water! And of course: The Isagenix: Cleanse for Life drink!

From the site: "Delicious Tropical Berry! It’s a tasty way to a healthier body." We will see about that!

Also tomorrow will be the Second measurement day. The first having been on Day 1. So I will get a chance to see if this is having an effective through weight and inch loss over the whole body.

Thoughts so far: It's not yummy but I have started to feel a change already.

Stay tuned for scenes from the next post!

"Tomorrow on Days of our Diets..."

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